Platforms to the Pedals

Playing at Naeba Shokudou at 10pm, 101A impressed for the lead singer and guitarist's ability to hit her case full of effects pedals with 5-inch wood-soled platform boots. The music was also a nice surprise, especially since I wasn't too interested in Franz Ferdinand to begin with, which was the only other thing going on within range. It was much better to stand just at stage left and listen to this band crank through some driving post-punk with her cool, siren vocals. But best was watching her footwork. Not bad. Not bad at all.

Naeba Shodukou is the restaurant and stage just between the International Food Court and the Red Marquee. A good late evening venue if you want to watch music but are sick of the big crowds. And with the rain so far staying away, there's no slipping down the muddy slope. Bonus!