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Jason Falkner: Classic Rock in the Modern World

If what you like about rock is classic melodies and full multi-instrumental sound as well as musicianship and songwriting that don't need to namedrop 'punk' to excuse their simplicity, then Falkner (slated to play FRF 08 on Friday) belongs on your permanent playlist. Start with my favorite song of his, Afraid Himself To Be.

This is off his debut album Jason Falkner presents Author Unknown (here's a pretty good live acoustic version if the first link doesn't bring up the song anymore).

His latest, I'm Ok You're Ok, has been out in Japan since April of last year and is expected to be available in the U.S. soon.

He co-wrote the best songs on Brendan Benson's debut album One Mississippi, and recall that Benson was as under the radar as Falkner before he was annointed as the co-bandleader of Jack White's other band, The Raconteurs. Falkner has been similarly annointed by playing on recordings by Beck, Air, and the most recent effort by Sir Paul McCartney himself.
