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Spoilt Virgins

Let’s face it, rock’n’roll is basically a bunch of garbage. It’s noisy, means nothing, and quickly fades into obscurity. Into this context, I introduce The Virgins, a band who will probably sell a million albums and live/breathe/die the “I don’t give a f&*# attitude ” about everything aside from getting laid or paid.

This self titled debut from the NYC band basically sucks because it has no original riffs or creativity. But, and I am talking about a big BUT here… The Virgins manage the mean trick of creating some of the summer’s best jams...

Rock and Roll is littered with others have pulled off a similar sham such as the Sex Pistols, Libertines, Beastie Boys. A NME reviewer basically says as much and is pretty spot on with his comment. Props to one critic who finally gets it right. Read it here.

And you can also check out their myspace site which features a video where the band is basically just wildin’ in the street---nothing could be such scary fun, especially if you are still in the grips of adolescence like this band.

//sean s.