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Lily at the Crystal Palace

Can there be any doubt that the hardest gig to catch at the fest will be Lily Allen in the Crystal Palace? She's gonna be the Gogol Bordello of 2009. The place is going to be heaving, and that's already my tip for show of the festival. Yeah, that's a ridiculous, meaningless, stupid prediction, but it will be.

I was listening to her latest album when I read the new line-up. What strikes me every time I listen is that it contains the best and worst lyrics I've heard in a long, long time. Compare and contrast:

From 'The Fear':

I want loads of clothes and fuckloads of diamonds
I heard people die while they are trying to find them

Life's about film stars and less about mothers
It's all about fast cars and passing each other
But it doesn't matter cause I'm packing plastic
and that's what makes my life so fucking fantastic

And from 'Him', about God:

Do you think he's any good at remembering people's names
Do you think he's ever taken smack or cocaine
I don't imagine he's ever been suicidal
His favourite band is Creedence Clearwater Revival

Probably the most obvious 'I just wrote it to rhyme' line ever sung.

Bizarrely, as I was searching for some lyrics online to cut and paste, I found this page that accurately transcribed the words to 'Back to the Start', except for an erroneous claim that the song ends with the line "Go back to the start.
fuk u kabul shit cunt crack whore thc wetwat." It doesn't. Not my version anyway.

