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Few musicians can claim a career trajectory like UA, Japan's favorite anti-diva.

Links, Vids and more info after the jump.

Yes UA (nee' Kaori Shima) will bring her band and bizarre antics back to Fujirock, and this time to the main arena, the Green Stage. Originally packaged by her label as a "talento," UA quickly broke out of the pop star mold (compare this with this and you'll see what I mean). I love her voice and have seen her perform half a dozen times, but I'll admit that her musical predilections changed so often that I never knew what to expect. My favorite UA album flirts with dub, but then the following year her live show was a combination of lounge tunes and free jazz. She can craft knowing and intelligent pop music, and her voice lends itself well to R&B, but then onstage she may try an improvised scat-cum-wail for far too long over a bass solo. And then who could forget her regular appearances on NHK children's programming weekday mornings?

I kid you not:

Regardless of her eccentricities, I still try to catch her act sometimes to see what she's exploring now. Frequently, it's worth it. One thing you can count on is UA surrounding herself with great musicians. Her backup band usually includes piano, brass and horns, and friends like Asa Chang from Ska Paradise Orchestra and electric violinist, Katsui Yuji from Rovo drop into her sessions. Where will she go this time around? Only she knows.

Interview in the Japan Times
My kids sing along to this one

Top photo by Hoya, courtesy of Smashing Mag



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